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Taste of the Arctic was a little chilly this morning out at Royal Palm Park for Foundation Training. In other parts of the country 46 degrees wouldn't be 'cold' but considering it was still in the 100s last month, let's just say it was invigorating! We kept the flow going at a good pace. It's amazing how working the posterior chain muscles can warm you up fast. It's a testament to Foundation Training that it works to see my students out there with me this morning in the cold & darkness (6am). They are committed to learning how to move better & feel stronger. 'The better you move, the closer you are to balance. Practice better movement patterns every single day.' - Eric Goodman

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Last Sunday was beautiful up on top of Squaw Peak with dear parkas needed.

Enjoy the clip of snow flurries up at the rim of the Grand Canyon from a hike I did in May. The day before we were all in shorts playing out on the Tonto Plateau.

Things change, embrace it and see the beauty in the moment.

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